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Association of Malaysian Students Curtin

Life's a Beach (so come lepak with us)

Sat, 4 Mar 2023
16:00 - 19:00

This event will serve as a meet and greet for AMS, however, we will be
collaborating with Malaysian Cultural Society, UWA to help make this a
lively event to kickstart the semester. We want to increase our brand
awareness, hence why both clubs are involved as we want there to be a
high number of attendees. This also helps AMS build a good relationship
with MCS and their members. The event will be at Cottesloe beach, and it
will just be a casual event where people can come and relax while
meeting new people. Activities will include beach volleyball, frisbee,
football, and two or three simple yet competitive games. We won't have
any water activities that may pose as a danger to attendees, but will also
advise them to swim at their own risk. There will be pizza, snacks and
drinks provided by both clubs. Additional information: we intend to have
bus/train guides (two committee members from each club) stationed to
help new students reach the event safely. For Curtin, we plan to meet with
them at about 3pm at the central bus station and make our way to
Cottesloe beach together. This is so we can overcome the barrier of new
students feeling nervous about attending the event because they are
unfamiliar with the public transportation system. As for those who need
rides going back after the event, we will tell them to let us know in
advance and those who have cars within our committee can sort it out.

Ticket Type Price
Life's a Beach $0.00 Sale Ended
Cottesloe Beach
Cottesloe Beach, Western Australia, Australia

Perth, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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